Top speaker 2023

Wojtek Kutyła

User Experience and Accessibility Specialist


Wojtek Kutyla provides independent UX and digital accessibility consultancy services, running his company, Human Thing. Often engaged in training, he aims to empower businesses with skills that allow them to design mindfully — and sustainably. His particular interest lies in web accessibility and inclusive design. Wojtek works internationally from his base in Edinburgh, UK. 

Wojtek Kutyła


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Long Lecture
Design'ers Matter

Take it easy - how to achieve good results in communication and design without too much stress

Talking is hard. It can be much easier if you stick to a standard scenario and deliver presentations and projects in a stiff and formal tone. Yet, our work experience indicates that loosening up and having a conversation instead of dry facilitation brings much better results in design (and other kinds of) processes. We will talk about approaching UX design with a smile and an open mind. It's the way to solve even big problems. Listen to our stories and learn lessons for yourself.

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Discussion Panel
Discussion Panel

Technology and UX in times of climate crisis — what can we do differently?

Our planet is becoming warmer than ever. Global social and economical issues surrounding the climate crisis are on the rise. As designers of digital products and services, we participate in the march of progress at the cost of contributing to global warming. Whilst energy usage skyrockets and technology takes over, we need to look for opportunities for sustainable growth. Or degrowth? What are our options on the verge of planetary collapse? How much of it are we responsible for, and how much of it is shaped by the attention economy and capitalism? Can we achieve digital sustainability without sacrificing convenience and changing the status quo? Join us to hear our guests discussing these topics and beyond.

Wojtek Kutyla will moderate an insightful discussion between a number of experts representing influential digital organisations.

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Wojtek Kutyła




Accessibility testing tools: how to use them and why you can’t rely on them alone

In this workshop, Wojtek and Marta will teach you how to use some of the most popular free accessibility testing tools. We will focus on manual testing, browser plugins and CI tools. We will also discuss the limitations of automated accessibility testing.

We will discuss:

  • The pros and cons of manual testing,
  • Most commonly used browser accessibility testing plugins,
  • The use of contrast checkers and HTML validators,
  • CI (Continuous Integration) tools for checking accessibility,

Expanding on automated and manual testing by accessibility testing with real users.

If you join us, you will:

  • Have a chance to learn professional methods of working with accessibility,
  • Try out some of them yourself,
  • Ask questions and brainstorm answers in a friendly atmosphere.

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Projektowanie dostępnych formularzy — crash course

Jak wiemy, internet składa się ze zdjęć kotów i z formularzy. Jeśli nie klikasz w link albo nie odtwarzasz video, to prawdopodobnie wysyłasz formularz. Pozyskiwanie danych od osób używających naszych rozwiązań jest ważne i potrzebne. Zdawałoby się, że wiemy, jak projektować formularze wspierające technologie ułatwiające dostępność — jednak wcale tak nie jest. Większość tych, które widzę, jest źle zaprojektowana. Oznacza to, że osoby, które używają sieci w inny niż najbardziej typowy sposób cierpią w zetknięciu z owocami naszej pracy. Na tych warsztatach dowiesz się, co powinien mieć dobry formularz i jak taki zaprojektować, oraz jak zdiagnozować problemy z tymi, które nie działają. Rozbierzemy formularze na kawałki; od tego, jak wyglądają po to, jak skonstruowane są za pomocą języka HTML. Weź sobie ręcznik. Wyjdziesz jako osoba spocona.

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