Code of Conduct

More than a thousand people attend our event every day. It is quite a number. To meet our community's expectations, we have created a code of conduct that defines the rules related to inclusion and acceptance of cultural and social differences.

It also specifies the kind of behavior we do not tolerate. Every participant, speaker, partner, and volunteer accepts this code of conduct and agrees to observe it by default.

The Organiser will strictly enforce it throughout the events. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

The golden rule is simple:

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Moreover, remember that:
  1. We do not tolerate any behavior that even remotely qualifies as hate speech and disrespect to other people.
  1. Everyone is equal. Regardless of your background, profession, opinions (or lack thereof), age, looks, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual fitness, religion, income level, or preference in terms of Sketch vs. Figma, remember you are here to learn something. Everyone wants to do so in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and differences between people are irrelevant.
  1. Politics can be engaging, but we don't need to deal with it here. If you have to, wait to discuss political topics until the breaks.
  1. Think, speak and act in a way that makes everyone feel safe.
  1. We assume no one comes to the conference to argue or prove their point. Clarify ambiguities and misunderstandings in direct and respectful communication. There is no need to fight at such a great event.
  1. Avoid vulgar language and be polite.
  1. Save pick-up lines and topics related to sexuality for a time outside the conference.
  1. If you notice or find yourself in a situation where the above rules are violated, inform our staff. You can also send an email describing the incident at or let us know in any other way that's convenient for you with the following information:

      a. name and surname of the person breaching our CoC (take a look if you can at the ID badge they are wearing),

       b. description of the situation,

       c. where the situation is taking place,

       d. your name and surname.

The event Organizer will be happy to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event.

  1. We make every effort to ensure that you feel safe during the conference.
  1. If you do not follow these rules, we will ask you to change your behavior
or leave the conference.
  1. We reserve the right to ask people whose behavior violates this code to leave the conference area (without refunding the entrance ticket).
  1. We are committed to meeting your expectations and eliminating any inconveniences that may negatively affect your experience at the conference. If you have special needs, allergies, or need assistance, please, contact any member of the conference staff.

If you notice behavior that violates our policy, let us know! →

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at WaysConf 2025

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at WaysConf 2025

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