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Relation Management

Managing emotions in design (systemic approach)


Bartek will present a holistic, systemic view on individuals, groups, organizations, products and of course users of these products and clients of these organizations. He will take us for an intense ride through different layers of emotional design and emotions management, based on his experience and situations that he found difficult to face. The talk will include designing for users' emotions, analysis of different layers of designers emotions (resulting from: engagement, responsibility, stress, relationship with others), company emotions management (managing expectations, managing crises, understanding users emotions), different types of designers self emotions (personalities, backgrounds, experience, personal situation), dealing with organization culture emotions, following the leaders or doing against all odds, finding motivation, dealing with different types of ego.

Last but not least, Bartek will remind us of some ground rules of emotional design. How often do we forget about it while focusing on business outcomes and deadlines? And is there still a space for emotions in experience design?


Bartek Lenard

Experience Design Lead, Design Consultant

BECOME our SPEAKER at waysconf 2024