This project is from the previous edition of the WaysConf Awards 2023, which is why it is in Polish.

Unikorns Website



At Unikorns, we aim to offer engaging, innovative digital experiences. Our initial MVP website was solid, but we've raised our bar. Thus, we've undertaken a major upgrade - v3.2.



Submited by


Realization period

Feb 23 - Jul 23


Dima Miro, Vlad Migulia, Maria Brilkova, Yegor Savoshevich, Violetta Martinova, Leonid Kostetskyi, Valeriy Hnybidenko, Zuzanna Kołodziej


Web Design, Web Development, Gatsby.js, Storyblok CMS, UI, UX.



Case study

We strive to provide our audience with a digital experience that is both engaging and innovative. Our initial website served us well as a MVP, but was no longer meeting our high standards. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we embarked on a significant update, which we have termed v3.2.

Our update was initiated with a comprehensive audit of our existing website and an in-depth analysis of current digital trends and user expectations. We then brainstormed and conceptualized a new design, integrating interactive and animated features for an enhanced user experience. The execution phase included a complete design of our website and the creation of new modules like 'Feed' and 'Shorts' that work like a social-media-like feed and stories respectively.

Our tech stack included Gatsby.js for frontend development, and Storyblok CMS for backend development. For animations, we used the GSAP library. Figma was our go-to tool for UI/UX design, while our project management was done using Notion.The result was a completely transformed, highly animated, and interactive website that provides a unique and engaging user experience. Our 'Feed' and 'Shorts' modules have especially been well-received, adding a modern, social-media-like feel to our platform.

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September 19-20, 2024
Krakow + online
6th edition

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