This project is from the previous edition of the WaysConf Awards 2023, which is why it is in Polish.

Talent Marketplace 2.0

Talent Alpha sp. z o.o.


With the development of the Talent Marketplace 2.0, backed by communication campaign, the process of specialist profile creation was shortened by 20% while the number of actual profiles grown by 50% in 3 months after the implementation.



Submited by

Talent Alpha sp. z o.o.

Realization period

Sept 22-April 23


Kostya Lasko - product owner; Anna Gawda - senior backend developer, Dawid Stosur - backend developer; Fryderyk Pryjma - UX designer, Krystian Dawidowski - graphic designer


Miro, Figma, React, Spring Boot, Github


UX, UI, updates implementation

Case study

Business purposeIncrease the number of regularly updated specialist profiles - skills update at least once every 3 months, projects update once every 6 months.

UX research The goal of the first step was to collect and analyze as much data as possible about users and their behavior on the platform and at touchpoints outside the platform. This helped to understand the needs, obstacles and challenges faced by end users. It was also possible to analyze the tasks of internal users of the platform - employees from the Matching Team and account managers. A look at the competition allowed to see how other companies deal with similar challenges.

Methodology and tools

Phase 1

Analysis of the TA platform in terms of usability

Tracing the main paths of users - Partner (software houses) and Business Customer (empathizing with end users and empathizing with them).

Benchmarking - checking how the competition deals with similar problems.

Interviews with internal users: TA matching team and business account manager + transcript/notes.

Defining a clear business goal together with the client.

Phase 2

Creation of protopersons.

Brainstorming - writing down the problems.

Clustering problems.

Co-creation - working together with the client on defining problems during interviews.

Phase 3

Determining the importance of identified problems - selecting those that we solve.

Brainstorming and co-creation - joint and independent generation of ideas

Clustering ideas

Selection of ideas for prototyping

Preparation of lo-fi prototypes

Phase 4

Graphic design

Backend implementation

Frontend implementation


Client feedback and Validation

Thanks to the analysis of the collected knowledge from the first stage, it was possible to define the personas of end users and internal users and identify their problems and ills. It was important to understand the problem area and thoroughly investigate the root causes.

The issues (complex forms, too many data to be updated, lack of time and motivation, difficulties with in-platform communication) have been grouped into clusters with key problems and challenges that make the established business goal difficult to achieve. An important lesson learned in this process was to understand that only by discovering the causes of problems and user motivation, effective solutions can be established.

Gathered insights and users’ feedback have helped in creation of an upgraded user flow, new specialists forms and platform notification system. As a result of the implemented changes, process of specialist profile creation was shortened by 20% while the number of actual profiles grown by 50% in 3 months after the implementation.  It also resulted in very positive feedback form the end users, underling that the current solution by Talent Alpha heavily outpaced competitors in this field – indeed a great satisfaction to the entire involved team and motivation for the next upgrades to come.

Why us?

Because while achieving a business goal is important, utterly positive feedback from a demanding user is a rare and precious success.

September 19-20, 2024
Krakow + online
6th edition

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