mObywatel app

mObywatel app went a path from a wallet to a mobile assistant and selfservice tool of interaction between a citizen and the administration a mobile assistantIt was verified with real users during usability tests . More to come! Stay tuned!
Citizens of Poland
Centralny Ośrodek Informatyki/ Center for Informatics Technology
Release 14.07.2023
Multidisciplinary team: UX roles: customer research, UX writing, UX/UI design, accessibility – high usability; Dev: native front end, backend, architect, testers - feasibility; Product owners - prioritatisation; Business Owners - legislation
Axure, Miro, Compose, Swift UI, Figma, Jira, Zulip, MS Teams Maintaining agility when working with a fixed deadline
full project delivery
Case study
Background and challenges:
•Total swift in terms of the app positioning – from a wallet to selfservice tool of interaction between a citizen and the administration.
•New features (mDowód) and services which we needed to design and deliver
•Work on accessibility of the app for people with special needs,
•Improved user experience
•Onboarding to the new ID in the app (mDowód)
•Higher zwareness of the app• Improved architecture of information
•Languages versions (English, Ukrainian)
•Communication about the benefits of using the app based on real examples – campaign “You can make it easier”
Project execution process:
1. Kick off and planning – road map definition, milesones, MVP and needs to deliver the product
2. Desk research including benchmark of similar solutions as Diia (Ukraine) or Dubai Now
3. Research activities - qualitative and quantitative. Round of usability testing – iterative approach
4. Design and prototyping – low fidelity mockups, iterative approach towards testing, Hi fidelity flows tested with users and demos for the stakeholders. Members of the teams as note makers during Individual In-Depth Interviews (IDI)
5. Development – implementation, new components, APIs, tests
6. Tests – as part of the development phase and public BETA with real users
7. Launch – 14.07.2023 00:00 in Google Play and App StoreMarketing –social media campaign and landing page launch Intensive day and weekend working on availability due to high usage of the app
8. Monitoring and stabilization – app performance analysis, pain points diagnosis, bug fixing
9. Ongoing – feeedback analysis, backlog grooming and improvements.
Why us?
We merge UX roles - research, UX/UI design, UX writing and accessibility to build high UX products in public sector. Starting with mObywatel, we are here to change the reality of digitalisation in Poland and public services.