Artify. Learn art with AI

Ai based app designed during the Hack(art)hon contest. App teaches art by gamification, it lets children generate an „forged” version of works of art shown in app earlier as a lesson, then they can vote for the one closest to the original
Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
Hack(art)hon by Zachęta Gallery, Artify Team
Sept 19 - Sept 23
Martyna Listkowska - art advisor, Agata Małek - Ux/Ui, Krzysztof Lingo - Python Developer, Machine Learning Enthusiast, Michał Pogoda - Machine Learning Freak, ML Researcher, Gabriela Kłos-Kufel - product designer, UX/Ui, branding designer
Product discovery, deep reaserch, Ux/Ui, investor's pitch deck, partial implementation
Case study
Full case study, description of the five days design sprint process in the link attached. The challenge was to use Galleries' ( Zachęta & European) API to design a tool for teachers to popularise art. We use our own experience to invent an idea of the app, combine educative values with entertaining gamification. „What do you see in the picture?”- popular exam task in Artify app is introduced by having fun, generating an „art piece by yourself”. Instead of boring lectures user is shown short theoretical introduction (prepared by Galleries and their educators, or optionally by teacher oneself) and the fun begin, by QR code students enter the lesson, see e.x. Beksiński paintings than type what did one see, what do one feel looking at the painting etc. generate ones „own version of Beksiński painting”. It uses generative AI to educate, before you generate you need to think about what you really feel about the picture and that's the right way art should be consumed.
Why us?
Five people, who didn't know each other before, after hours, during five days, invented, designed, tested and developed a demo of app that can be really helpful while teaching about modern art and art at all.