Top speaker 2023

Michał Pogorzelski

Director of Digital User Experience Design Office at PKO Bank Polski


Since 2018, she has led the Digital User Experience Design team and since 2023 she has been the Director of the Digital User Experience Design Office at PKO Bank Polski. He manages a team of more than 40 designers. The office includes UX / UI / UX Writing and usability research. She is responsible for the design of major applications and systems that are made available to the Bank's customers.

She is a cultural sociologist by training. He has been working as a designer for more than 15 years. The IKO mobile application designed by him has been recognized 2 times in a row as the best in the world in the Retail International Banker ranking, which included 100 applications of banks from all over the world, and is currently an application serving more than 6 million users in Poland.

He is the originator and coordinator of the UX Design Academy prepared for students at SWPS University, as part of which the most talented students are given the opportunity to do a paid internship in the User Experience Design Office at PKO Bank Polski (so far there have been 4 editions and more are being prepared).

He is also the originator of the creation of the Interbank Usability Group - bringing together the heads of UX of all the largest banks in Poland, whose goal is to develop standards and recommendations for the banking sector in the field of UX in Poland.

Privately, he is a basketball and Lego fan and a dad of three daughters.

Michał Pogorzelski


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Michał Pogorzelski



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